Keynotes (3) & invited talks (8)
Science & Cycling Congress – a scientific congress before the start of the ‘Tour de France’, Caen, France, 29-30 June 2016
Invited oral presentation: R.P. Lamberts ‘Short term parasympathetic reactivation after the LSCT: a practical tool to predict and monitor cycling performance’
7th Neuroscience Conference, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, 26 May 2016
Keynote lecture: R.P. Lamberts ‘Short term parasympathetic reactivation, a new method to predict and monitor cycling performance’
43rd annual congress of the Physiology Society of Southern Africa, Parys, South Africa, 6-9 September, 2015
Keynote lecture: R.P. Lamberts ‘Applied Physiology: methods of monitoring and fine-tuning training in athletes’
Science & Cycling Congress – a scientific congress before the start of the ‘Tour de France’, Utrecht, Netherlands, 1-2 July 2015
Keynote lecture: R.P. Lamberts ‘Predicting and monitoring cycling performance to optimize training prescription’
Saarland University, Saarbrucken, Germany, 6-8th January, 2015
Invited oral presentation: R.P. Lamberts ‘The science behind predicting and monitoring performance to optimize training prescription - ‘Science and Cycling’ and ‘Science and Interval Sports’
Workshop: R.P. Lamberts “An introduction to the LSCT and HIMS’
6th Clinical Sport & Exercise Medicine Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 22 – 24 October, 2014
Invited oral presentation: R.P. Lamberts ‘Screening and treatment of iliac blood flow restrictions in cyclists; an under-diagnosed and unnecessary career ending pathology’
Vrije University, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2 May, 2011
Invited oral presentation: ‘The development of the LSCT’ and ‘The environmental effects on 40km time trial performance’, Vrije University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2nd May, 2011
3rd Clinical Sport & Exercise Medicine Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 2008, 8-10 October, 2008
Invited oral presentation: R.P. Lamberts. ‘Precision of monitoring training status in cyclists’
Invited oral presentation: R.P. Lamberts. ‘Changes in training status during high intensity training’
2nd Clinical Sport & Exercise Medicine Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 2006, 4-6 October, 2006
Invited oral presentation: R.P. Lamberts. ‘A monitoring program for cyclists’